
There are no more live workshops. Everything (and more. This is photography. If you could focus past infinity than you can have more than everything) is now online in a go-at-your-own-pace format.

you may continue. As you were.


The On(line) Composition workshop never goes on sale (I don’t like how sales can feel manipulative).

It costs $479.13 and there is no subscription fee (shocked face). It’s a go-at-your-own-pace type of shindig. Way more details below, I just wanted to get this info out of the way :)

This class is outstanding! One of the most eye opening and inspirational courses I’ve ever taken!
— Katie Plas, family photographer

Woah, hold on there cowperson, what even is this thing?

“This thing” is an intense photography workshop covering everything (every thing, all things) related to composition. It's a no-fluff, information overflow of all I've learned and know (and made up) about composition. (More details 👇🏼 )