well, you probably won't cry
I mean it's okay if you do, but this here workshop isn't of the fuzzy sort. No "you can do it!"s or "the sky is the limit!"s (though those may be true. No Yolo or #liveauthentic here. Just hours and hours of liquid information poured down your... (okay I have no clue how to end this metaphor).
“Best workshop I ever took was ON COMPOSITION with Zalmy B... It seriously was the best workshop I’ve ever taken, and I’ve paid waaaay too much money on workshops and got pretty much nothing out of them.”
The workshop will be divided into 5 sections:
Introduction to Composition
What is it, what it isn't, why is it so important, why do we even need it? and how do we use it? This includes sections on why we see the way we do, and loads of deep dives into psychology and neurology. Fun stuff.
Camera side choices
How our choices of lens, aperture, shutter speed, etc. all contribute to the way our story is told, understood, and felt. Super important, usually ignored, so… yeah.
Elements of Composition
This will be the bulk of the workshop. How to use the elements "out there" to best tell our story. Framing, balance, adjectives, cropping, contrast, repetition, complementary elements, lines, layers, and more!. We’ll talk about what they are and aren’t, and how they can help (or hurt us!) in telling our stories.
We will be going through photos from various masters of the craft and seeing how they used these elements to take their photos to the next level.
Practical tips and takeaways
As much as I hate to talk in terms of “rules” there are definitely actions we can immediately take to make our images more precise and legible. We’ll call them “tips” and we’ll go through quite a few.
But there’s more! (Much more)
There will be monthly video updates (hence the subscription, which is no more and has been canceled! woohoo! down with subscriptions! Long live the one time purchase! Also, not monthly videos , that was too ambitious but definitely a few juicy ones per year)
Clarifications or deep dives into specific aspects we talked about in the workshop.
Interviews with other photographers and artists about how they see and why they compose the way they do.
Often the best way to learn how to do things "right" (as if there is such a thing) is to see what we've done "wrong". Every so often I’ll grab some of the images you beautiful people share in the Facebook group and see, based on what we learned, how we could have better told our story.Behind the scenes, how (and why) I got the shot type of thing.
Send me ideas!
details yo!
The price to access the workshop is $479.13.
(You may ignore this next paragraph, for now)
Additionally there is a yearly subscription (no there isn’t!! All updates come with the initial purchase, forever! (okay, at least a decade, I don’t know what’s gonna happen to civilization)) of $34.56 (less than $3 a month) for monthly (not monthly, but definitely a few juicy ones per year) videos updates and /other goodies.
What to bring?
What? I don’t know. Just put on pants. Actually , who cares, you do you boo. Just come with an open mind and something to take notes on. Oh, and snacks, lots of snacks. If you need suggestions for parings (“excuse me waiter, which artisan, fair trade chocolate goes best with filling the frame?”) just shoot me a text or something.